How much money can you make selling your house

how much money can you make selling your house

Real estate agents are paid on a commission basis, as much as 6 percent of the sales price of your home. A shortage of homes for sale in the U. Here are some things an agent will do for you when they sell your house:.

These simple steps can help you sell your home for top dollar

Growing up, my family was on a tight budget. To help make ends meet, my sister and I would wear hand-me-downs from family and friends, and my mom would sell our old clothes at garage sales and consignment shops. Being brought up this way — I guess it was only natural for me to resell my old clothes for money. The first time I resold my clothing was in college, xelling a Buffalo Exchange. I sold a few pairs of jeans miney some shoes.

Factoring Commissions

how much money can you make selling your house
If you’re thinking of selling your home, it’s smart to prepare a home selling plan before you start making repairs or marking a date on your calendar for an open house. Prepare your property, making repairs if necessary. Interview real estate agents and be open to suggestions for a listing price. Of course, you want the most money you can get for the property, but that might not happen if you make costly home selling mistakes along the way. Unsure of where to start?

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Here are just some of them:. Find a Loan Officer. Getting a pre-sale inspection allows you to make major repairs ahead of time, removing any possibility of a buyer demanding them later or asking you to lower the price. Your current bills will give you an idea how much it will cost each month to leave on the utilities until a new buyer moves in. Outstanding Mortgage Balance Your outstanding mortgage balance is subtracted from the estimated sale price to determine how much you can walk away with when you sell. Back Home. Select the Month of Your Closing:. The buyer will reimburse the seller for the portion of taxes already paid that apply after the closing date. Taking care of everything can quickly eat into your potential profits. Selling your stuff has come a long way from youur an ad in the local paper, thanks to the internet.
