I wake up every day in terror. What are the best jobs for people with social anxiety? Accept Read More. I would recommend looking into stockroom jobs at retail places, or perhaps a call center. As we said, we are not medical professionals.
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I asked this last night but got two responses that had nothing to do with what I asked so I’m asking. I need to find a job because even though they don’t mind and understand I hate having to rely on my parents, the thing is not only do I have severe social anxiety I mean I have small anxiety attacks when I go to the mail box i also live in a small town with very few jobs especially for someone with little education or training. Wiyh there any legitimate ways to earn money online or something like that, just until keep me going until I can try to get over my anxiety. It sounds vor you definitely want to gain some financial independence from your parents but social anxiety and not many jobs around are making this hard. How about a job with less social interaction like delivering catalogues or newspapers?
From the Indeed Career Guide
People who live with social anxiety often feel like they will say or do something wrong in social settings , the Canadian Mental Health Association notes. Or they might feel very anxious when they have to do something in front of other people, like talking in a meeting. Some people feel very anxious in both situations. Some can have panic attacks, while others can feel physical signs of anxiety, the site adds. This can include stomach aches, shallow breathing, sweating or feeling tense.
Best HIGH PAYING Job For INTROVERTS (Social Anxiety). Up To $40 an hour or More!
Instead, you’ll want to find a job that puts you in touch with people on a daily basis without over-taxing you. It’s a great way to grow and improve. Working with kids was at the top of that list you provided. This involved going all over London and beyond fixing computers and networks. I am anxidty qualified teacher .
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