What is blog writing make money

what is blog writing make money

RoKr says:. January 13, at pm. I am very much interested to change by carrier as a blogger.

1. Start a Blog

Many successful freelance writers are full-time writers like me. They are making a stable income or a growing income and have no challenge finding clients or getting projects. But, there are even more writers that barely make enough money to replace their sucky dead-end job. They are struggling, and they have no idea how to get away from crappy freelance writing projects. I had no idea what I was doing and ended up landing a content mill gig. Yes, I was one of those writers…. But, I changed all that and discovered a whole new world of freelance writers.

How to make money Blogging?

what is blog writing make money
How do you make extra money from home that anyone can do, no matter if you have a high school diploma or a college degree? Writing online is the BEST way to earn extra spending money. All things online begin with writing content. A lot of them focus on your writing skills, while others focus on your blogging skills and even your marketing skills. Some of these ways are shorter than others, but when you think about your parents and how they may have lived paycheque to paycheque, making money fast online is…. This will be your 1 way to make a living online.

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Many successful freelance writers are full-time writers like me. They are making a stable income or a growing income and have no challenge finding clients or getting projects. But, there are even more writers that barely make enough money to replace their sucky dead-end job. They are struggling, and they have no idea how to get away from crappy freelance writing projects. I had no idea what I was doing and ended up landing a content mill gig.

Yes, I was one of those writers…. But, I changed all that wriging discovered a whole new world of freelance writers. Writers that landed gigs writihg the time and writers that demanded a high paying rate. And you know what? I AM one of those successful writers. My husband and I can makke off any day out of the week to makee on a mini road trip. You need a blog if you want to be a wealthy freelance writer. A blog can serve many things besides a portfolio to help you make money as a ls.

A blog is perfect for anyone wanting to start a business. I personally love Bluehost to start a service-based business blog. They are reputable, helpful and time-saving. If you need more help, check whah this post. I have a video tutorial in that post.

When you have your freelance writing blog, you can set up your site to be a service-based site. This means having certain pages on your site your menu items.

This can definitely help you make money writing. When you have a blog, you can make money writing by monetizing it. This means you can have ads, sponsored posts or do affiliate marketing. I suggest affiliate marketing if your site is new. The other ways need more traffic and connections. To get ma,e on how to make money writing on your blog, I suggest you pick a tool or service that you are using or know. You can also mke to promote a course if they offer an affiliate program.

I suggest, however, to create a tutorial based post based on your affiliate product. This has a much higher conversion rate. I use my website as a lead generation tactic to attract writing gigs! Prospects go to my About page and Hire Me page and read all about my service. Then they contact me! Start a blog today!

Not every niche is a high-paying niche and not every writing service you offer is high-paying. But, there are a lot of niches out there that pay well and help you on how to make money writing. You just need to know where to look. Carrie Madormo is a freelance writer for parenting magazines and medical publications and makes a living from it!! Check out her lead magnet about 20 Parenting Publications for New Writers! Finding that high-paying ehat takes time.

You need to think about what products are out there based on a niche topic. This is mostly a hobby based topic, but there are a lot of products for horses and learning to ride. From this, I can determine that this is a profitable niche. So when determining your niche, not only think about what you enjoy writing about or your passions or hobby, but also think about how it can be monetized so you can make money fast.

For more help check out my video on the most profitable freelance writing niches and please subscribe to my YouTube channel! Now, this goes hand in hand with your profitable niche. Your client can determine whether your niche will mlney high-paying. Ariting I first started driting as a freelance writer, I marketed myself as a health writer and parent writer. Since I was new, I took the gig.

It was bylined, and I was able to keep building my portfolio. A few months later, I was able to land another blig gig. Both of these posts were the same word count words. Both posts were about health related topics.

So, why did the latter project get me more money? The first gig was for a start-up business. It was a brand shat company and focused more on their product and marketing material for local businesses than it really did on their blog content blogg lead generation tactics for online customers. They had a health product that they created and needed help getting their product in front of more eyes.

This meant they understood the importance of blogs as a way to create an inbound marketing strategy. This also meant that my content was much more valuable to their bottom line than my first health client. Do you want to work with:. I have to preface this tip by saying that when I first started my samples they did not relate to my niche topics. I was still able to land gigs. Quality freelance writing jobs nowadays really want a writer experienced in one niche topic.

As I mentioned before, I chose health and parenting as my niche topics. Digital marketing. I had to discover this niche. For me, I enjoyed learning about marketing for my own freelance writing business. I was then approached to write about social media marketing, and I was hooked. I love this niche so much that I ended up pivoting my mom blog Twins Mommy from blogging about being a writung at home mom to helping mom bloggers become mompreneurs.

My topics went from the challenges to working from home to how to make money using Pinterest or how to promote your new Facebook group. Once you find your niche, start creating samples around that niche topic. Since it took me a while to figure out my paying niche, it took me a while to create samples in my waht topic!

Or that, male media scares. They may see your social media post on Twitter or check out your LinkedIn profile. Maybe an editor saw your Pin and wants to hire you for their content that happened makee me. Start small and pick only two. I suggest Twitter writnig LinkedIn.

Fill out your bio and description and make your copy good. Remember, you are trying to market your freelance writing eriting and attract clients. If you are specific, businesses can find writint.

On social media, your image can sell you. Pick a professional image or create a headshot you can use your iPhone with a plain background and good lighting. Use this image on your blog and all your social media profiles. When I first started, I what is blog writing make money an image I took on my birthday with my twins. So, when you build your freelance writing business, you need to look at how you want to portray.

Do you want to be the fun and creative maie or the serious one? Discover how you want to be seen online and show that in your headshot. One of the hardest things new freelance writers have is sharing some personal things online. They are afraid that someone will track them down and steal sensitive information. But there are thousands and probably millions of bloggers online that share their face and their story.

You should be no different. If you want to build a connection with your clients you have blov let them know you and see you. This means telling a story about you and your skill level. For me, I add some fun facts about me on my About page. Showing who you are and how you write can be represented in your images and brand. From the colors you use to the font you use to the images you use, your freelance writer website or your blog or your blog images miney represent you as a writer.

Each one moneu a unique brand identity with its own colors and images. I spent a lot of time growing my brand and figuring it all. You can start with your voice. All of these represent you as a writer, and if a client reads your content and enjoys this aspect of your content, then they may very well wrjting you for their content.

Easy Ways to Make Money Online (and Offline) in 2020

To set this up on your site, see our guide on the best WordPress event calendar plugins. Roman Deluna says:. Back to top. At that point, you should have a strong sample from which to pitch better-paying sites. Smart idea. Update: I more recently reported on how I made money blogging in this income report. First Name. I am not here to give people false hope. See my step-by-step tutorial. Not all of these tips and avenues of income are going to work for you. You get a cut from each sell, which allows you to earn passive income from user activity on your website. In-person conferences, classes or special events — The exchange of something tangible money for a ticket to an in-person experience. Thank you for putting your great effort.!!! Layla says:. Starting a blog isn’t hard. Thanks for sharing this information. Posts like this are just what I need to light a freelancing fire under me and help me to take the plunge and see what happens.
