Nursing careers that make the most money

nursing careers that make the most money

The hours a registered nurse works vary greatly depending on the type of facility he or she works in. IV Therapy Nurse. There are many specialization options, each with unique benefits, which is why nursing as a profession appeals to such a wide variety of people. They focus on patients who suffer from mental health issues like depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder.

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Do you want to start a business at home as a nurse but lack ideas and know-how? If YES, here are 31 best ways to make money fast from home as a nurse in Times are indeed changing, and many industries are making the shift from having in-house personnel to having a more relaxed and remote workforce of employees who work from home. The same can be said of the nursing profession. Gone are the days when registered nurses were required to work besides patients serving bedpans amongst other sundry duties. These days, modern advancements in technology have paved the way for remote or home-based nursing jobs.

What’s the difference between a nurse & nurse practitioner?

nursing careers that make the most money
Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment Situation report of This sector has not only seen job creation, but wage growth as well, according to the most recent monthly BLS employment report. For nurses, though, this uptick in wages, in particular, has been going on for a couple years now. In nursing, salaries increased, on average, about 1. We dived further into BLS data and unearthed three things you could do—go back to school, relocate to another state or work for a different company or organization—to rake in the most cash as a nurse.

Top Paying Careers in Nursing

Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment Situation report of This sector has not only seen job creation, but wage growth as well, according to the most recent monthly BLS employment report.

For nurses, though, this uptick in wages, in particular, has been going on for a couple years. In nursing, salaries increased, on average, about 1. We dived further into BLS data and unearthed three things you could do—go back to school, relocate to another state or work for a different company or organization—to rake in the most cash as a nurse.

According to BLS data, the more schooling you have, the greater your paycheck could potentially be. Not bad, but investing in a college education nursing careers that make the most money most likely lead to a greater payout in the long haul. Average salaries vary depending on geographic region, according to BLS data, with nurses in the west raking in the most cash.

Nurses in the Northeast also command a high salary, with Massachusetts being the top-paying state for nurses in this region No. Some of this correlates with cost of living—the coastal areas typically have the highest in the country.

But the two states with higher paying nursing jobs combined with a lower cost of living are Michigan and Idahoaccording to recent data from Drexel University. According to BLS datanursing jobs within outpatient care centers command the highest median annual wages, followed by general medical and surgical hospitalsthen home health care servicesoffices of physicians and skilled nursing facilities.

This jibes well with the most recent edition of the Monster —our monthly roundup of companies with the most job postings on Monster in the past seven days.

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31 Best Ways to Make Money from Home as a Nurse in 2020

Critical care nursesalso known as intensive care unit ICU nurses, have to act quickly under pressure and possess excellent decision-making skills. Clinical nurse specialists are, as the name implies, trained and educated in a particular medical specialty. Psychiatric Nurses assist in developing treatment plans and use therapeutic skills to care for patients with mental nursing careers that make the most money, administer appropriate medication and monitor patient improvement. Obstetrical Nurses must hold either an associate or bachelor of science in nursing and be licensed. Find jobs Company reviews Find salaries. Displayed here are Job Ads that match your query. Providing medical treatment, as well as counseling and other mental comfort to patients, means psychiatric nurse practitioners can make a life-changing, positive impact. Nurse Attorneys may work in private law firms, government agencies or in hospital legal departments. Not only do they provide patients with expert medical care; midwives are often a pillar of emotional support through the process of childbearing for many women. Working in hospital or out patient clinic environments, Endoscopy Nurses communicate with patients on preparation for testing, education on nutrition and dietary changes and assist in nursing careers that make the most money endoscopic examination of a patient’s throat or intestinal. Working mostly in critical care units this career, these nurses assist with pain management, breathing techniques and education of patients, families and caregivers. Therapies that a pain management nurse may perform can include the administration of pain medications, monitoring patients who are sedated and helping them to recover and assisting physicians during more invasive pain relief therapies. Clinical Nurse Specialist. How many people can say that every day they help bring healthy, new lives into the world?
